qinhuangdao zhongqing metallurgical valve co., ltd-ag尊龙凯时

zhongqing news
zhaoqing hui love open valve

day in october 2003, 7:00 am, lulong county clam park township street entrance to the village, a village want a small van with a large truck head-on encounter. filled the dust, harsh lights. dodge, a minibus crashed into a roadside tree, van primary spot coma.

after the accident, he stood up

lord zhaoqing hui van coma, then, his younger metallurgical valve co., ltd. has just started two months.

an accident of zhaoqinghui two hours after being sent to hospital, after hospital treatment is four months. many people predicted, just pick up the younger metallurgical hope it will be difficult.

in the hospital, after sober,zhaoqinghui first thing to do is to call them customers. he said to do things to talk about integrity, not because of his accident and cause losses to the customer. customers are all touched by his spirit. contrary to all expectations, during hospitalization, the companys business has not diminished, but flourishing.

letter man, hard work. this is the motto of zhaoqing hui. at that time, there is a yunnan customers every month and younger companies doing business more than 50 million, before 2005, had never been on one side and zhaoqinghui seek. because of integrity, then the two became especially good friends.

in 1996, after graduating from hebei university of science and technology, was assigned to the then zhaoqinghui qinhuangdao metallurgical machinery plant, since engaged in this profession, zhaoqing hui did ease.

a year later, he was placed into an important marketing positions. that year, the company completed sales of its 12 million yuan, zhao qinghui a person to complete 800 million. in 2003, zhao qinghui month income can reach 2,000 yuan. stable job, high income, zhaoqinghui is the subject of envy. but zhaoqinghui but his resignation, naturally he can not stand upright in deep-rooted business relationships, he wanted to start his own business.

entrepreneurial path destined hardships. he scraped together $ 150,000, through the more you ask, the funing county taihe village rented a workshop, four "recruitment", to "outsourcing-track" processing, assembly of various valves. zhaoqing hui took the first step of entrepreneurship.

more than two months after the start, zhaoqing hui car accident. after discharge zhaoqinghui right leg fracture, and removal of the spleen. the blink of an eye into a disabled young man, after a start on the road, go more robust and tenacious.

his crutches and started the second venture

more than a year of "outsourcing-style" operation, has been difficult to meet customer demand. because renting the venue is small, and no property rights, zhaoqing hui could transform the plant, purchase equipment.

to truly founded their own businesses. 2004 zhaoqing hui raising 1.95 million yuan, the acquisition of the plant in nandai start the second venture. that was the start-up process zhaoqinghui most difficult period.

the beginning of construction, due to funding constraints, could not afford a professional and technical personnel, plant design, equipment installation and rely on him, he on crutches every day, standing in front-line command. because the body is in a recovery phase, every move a step, he must sweating profusely.

day workshop at night but also to engage in technical drawing. zhaoqing hui often endured the pain a boil a night. gradually, the companys products from four kinds had increased to more than 50 kinds. in 2005, the company has built a two workshops, our products also passed the iso9001 quality management system certification.

in 2006, the younger company is scheduled shipments to reach 3,000 million.

crossroads, he chose to return home

traffic surge, younger companies face expansion.

at this time, clams park township leaders find zhaoqing hui, i hope he can return home business, so that more folks get rich as quickly as possible.

zhaoqing hui stood at a crossroads in life is to go to the city? or to return home? into the city, no doubt there will be more space and front sights. but home is not rich, home of the plants, mountains and rivers are so worried about him.

difficult to leave their homeland. meditate, zhaoqing hui chose to return home business.

september 2006, zhaoqing hui invested 58 million yuan, returned home to establish a branch, lulong county, township authorities the green light, only a month on the run land approval. april 2007 trial production company, officially put into operation in august.

cy the company now employs 180 people, of which 90% are local folks. last year, the company completed cy output value of 70 million yuan, in china, its market share reached before the valve 5, products exported to india, vietnam and other countries.

last year, there was a rather large customer cooperation intention of beijing to the village after their visit, not satisfied with the surrounding environment, knut mouth, suspended cooperation. for this, 赵庆辉 said, "i do not regret it, folks looking to get rich slowly, watching their brothers and sister group to work every day to be happy in my company, my heart at ease."

(this column is jointly organized by the newspaper editorial department and human resources and social security bureau)
